Mice and rat infestation is a common problem which is experienced by many homeowners. It is a nuisance because rats and mice can spoil the belongings and also disturb a lot at night with their movement. These are creepy critters and one may not know from where they come, but once they are inside your property, you definitely need a rat and mice removal service.
Why Mice and rats enter my property?
Rodents are attracted to what we offer them: shelter, food, and water. If your house an opening, they will soon take advantage of it and enter the property without your knowledge. They will choose a safe spot and look for different food resources in your house. Mice and rats do not like the cold atmosphere. They may enter your space during the winter season. They move to some specific spots in your house where seeing them is not easy. Homeowners are aware of their presence when they make noise or cause a serious blunder like biting the wires, newspapers, clothes and other belongings.
Mice and rats enter the attic space that has access to food. If the attic has an access to fruit trees or trash bins, pet foods, dark kitchen cabinets then rodents will definitely enter your space because they have plenty of food options. They also like to nest in dark and secluded areas.
How you know they have entered your property?
You may not see a rodent with the naked eye, but if you notice greasy rub marks, mice droppings and chew marks then it is alarming. You may notice the droppings along the baseboards, under the sink, and places where food is stored. Rats also leave dirty marks when they travel same pathways again and again. When they search for food they may even chew on things like plastic, wires and other materials. Well, if you see any such signs then it’s time to call mice and rat removal service.
Why call the experts for rat and mice removal?
Rodents carry many diseases and they can contaminate food. They can also transmit salmonella and E.coli. Most of the diseases transmitted by the rodents are no so common in the United States but these diseases exist. Moreover, they can bring other pests like ticks, lice, fleas in your home. It can result in allergies and can be bad for you, your kids, elderly members, and pets. They can cause damage to your house and chew the electrical wires, car wiring, etc.
You definitely need the help of experts to get rid of them. During the mouse removal program the first thing that experts do is trapping. They make the arrangements to trap the mice and rats. There are many species of mice and rat. So, when a legitimate company like Urban Wildlife Control offers a mice and rat removal service they first identify the species. Some methods are ineffective for certain type of rat and mice species. Trapping mice and rats is a challenging process for the novice. Therefore, you need to go for professional mice removal service as they have the expertise to control a rodent problem.
You also need to begin with the habitat modification and remove all the food sources like pet foods that are left out, human food scraps, etc. Hiding places have to be eliminated as well and the experts will do the needful for it. Mice can squeeze in from any hole that is ¼” in size and therefore, they make the exclusion plan accordingly. So, call the experts now and get rid of mice/rats easily.